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Laser Facial Treatment

Discover Radiant Skin with LASER TREATMENT

The Clinic for Achieving Your Best You.


High Intensity Focused Ultrasound commonly called as HIFU, is an anti-ageing skin lifting treatment especially for face and neck. Ultrasonic waves similar to the ones we use in a USG machine are used.

The intensity is much more and these waves are focused on the dermal layers of the skin and the deeper dermal layers. When these waves pass through the skin they create heat and this heat stimulates a controlled tissue damage that further leads to NeoCollagenosis. This new collagen formation leads to a firming of previously loose skin therefore improving the appearance of that part of skin.

The effects are seen within a month and last quite a long time. It can last 8 – 12 months or more depending on the individual’s lifestyle. In cases of very bulky faces or very sensitive skin, a second treatment may need to be given after 2 months. Gradual improvement is seen over 1 to 2 months. The procedure takes around 90 minutes execute.


Mole removal treatment refers to the process of removing moles from the skin for cosmetic or medical reasons. Moles are usually benign skin growths that can vary in size, shape, and color. While most moles are harmless, some may cause discomfort, affect appearance, or raise concerns about skin cancer.

Laser treatment involves using focused light energy to break down the pigment cells in the mole. This method is suitable for smaller, non-cancerous moles that are not deeply rooted in the skin.


Before each treatment, the technician uses a highlighter to mark the area to be treated that was shaved for the appointment. The device is then configured for your hair density and skin type.

A pulsed laser is used in an overlapping pattern to cover the target area completely. Afterwards, our Medicart soothing balm is applied to the entire treated area for maximum comfort.

Since every single person responds to the treatments differently, all the details on this site, including photos showing our clients’ clinical results are provided for information purposes only and do not constitute a guarantee of the results in any way.

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At Dermasky, experienced dermatologists perform tattoo removal treatment with precision using cutting-edge USFDA-approved Q-switched Nd:YAG laser technology from  lasers with one of the most powerful lasers to remove artificial or tattoo pigments and deliver the best results. It offers variable fluencies to target both superficial and deep dermis tattoo pigments effectively and safely.

Our medical experts at Oliva customise the laser parameters based on the skin tone and condition, ink colour, tattoo size and type and target area. They advise the application of numbing cream before the procedure to ensure you enjoy a virtually pain-free and comfortable tattoo removal experience.


MNRF treatment, also known as microneedling radio frequency, is an innovative cosmetic procedure that combines the benefits of two powerful treatments. By utilizing tiny needles to create microchannels in the skin, MNRF treatment stimulates collagen production and triggers the body’s natural healing response.

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